As featured in the New York times, see here

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more buyers

include your low-rate mortgage in your home sale

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Why sell with Roam?

Reach more buyers who can afford your home when you include your mortgage in your sale

Higher proceeds

Once more buyers can afford your home, you’ll receive more offers with higher proceeds too.

Simpler process

We’ll navigate the process with the servicer on your behalf. When you assume a mortgage, there’s no required appraisal.
More buyers can purchase a home with a low rate included
Roam Without Roam
Given a home valued at approximately $400,000 and a total of 120 million households.

What is an assumable mortgage?

An assumable mortgage is a home loan that allows homebuyers to take over the seller's existing mortgage. This allows the seller to attract many more buyers to their home sale.

What are customers saying about Roam?

“By including their low-rate mortgage, my sellers have seen significant buyer interest. In today’s market, Roam gives sellers that edge they need.”

Landen M.
Listing agent in Dallas, TX at Century 21

“Roam has not only connected me to buyers interested in the low-rate mortgage, but also provided expertise and support throughout the assumption process.”

Tammie N.
Seller in Dallas, TX

What are experts saying about assuming a low-rate mortgage?

How to sell with Roam.

Step 1


Find out if you can include your mortgage with your home sale.
Step 2

more buyers

List your home with your low-rate mortgage and find more buyers.
Step 3


We'll work with your agent and buyer to ensure you close on time.

Roam is free for sellers and listing agents

We collect a fee of 1% of the purchase price from the buyer through closing costs to make the process simple and stress-free.

Frequently asked questions

What is Roam?

What is an assumable mortgage?

Why is an assumable mortgage good for sellers?

See all FAQ